The Heir by Kiera Cass

The Selection Series was one of my favorite series. I know the series weren't a perfect dystopian since the main focus of the story was "the selection" itself. But what I loved about the series was the fact that I didn't want it to have a masterclass world building, I was entertained enough with what the author offered which was The Bachelor styled love story. I enjoyed the story so much, beside the fact that it was a love triangle (or multi-angle since the selection girls who wanted to win Maxon were so many). I know, lots of dystopian fan didn't like this series but personally (or maybe I was in a good mood reading the series), I really liked the first three books. And that's why this book was a disappointment for me. I think, the author should have just stopped at the third book and made it a trilogy instead of adding two more books. What? Yes, you've read it, there are ONE MORE BOOK after this one.
Main character was the main problem. And that bothered me a lot. Eadlyn started off as this childish and spoiled teenager-soon-to-be queen who complained all the time. every pages. every sentences. She complained again and again about how miserable her life being a first born and the future queen of Ilea. she complained all the time about not having a normal life like a teenage girl should be. Okay, I understood the reasoning, but I didn't think it was enough when she had all the time to sunbathe and sketch nice dresses and collect jewelry. She complained because she will be THE FIRST WOMEN IN HISTORY to rule Ilea one day.
I tried not to complain. After all, I knew how fortunate I was. But there were days, or sometimes months, when it felt like far too much was piled on me, too much for any one person, really.
Eadlyn was constantly whining about her life. She whines about Josie, Kile, her little brother, the rule and restriction in the palace (which I didn't know any since she did everything she wants), the selection, the King for making her as a distraction, her mom and dad for not telling their own love story, her brother for having a girlfriend, her people for not loving her, and everything. It was supposed to make us feel story for her, but it was just too much. The only person I felt sorry for was Josie, since she lived in the Palace overshadowed by the "future queen" who hated her for using one of her SO MANY tiaras, but still she smiled and made the best of it, enjoying her life without complaining. Well, maybe she should have been the main character.
The story didn't really have the romance I was hoping to find. The selection was so boring and lacked energy. Maxon's selection was really entertaining because he was so creative to create so many challenges the girl must do and it was refreshing and enjoyable. But this time, the selection felt flat and dull since the only thing challenging was the game of Ilea's history, which unfortunately, didn't have many detail. The only thing detailed here was Eadlyn's whining.
I know I've said before that the lack of world building in the other three books didn't really bother me. Well, this time it bothered me a lot. I mean, what else should I read if the main character and the main plot was dull? I'd rather read the perspective of Maxon and America dealt with the rebellion and watching their daughter made a fool of herself. That would be more exciting.
The ending was another reason why I would rather read Maxon's point of view. Because it would really gave the impact of a cliff-hanger. But since I read it from this 'complaining machine' perspective, it didn't really matter whether it was a cliff-hanging end or not. Maybe it should be, so that Eadlyn's personality would change.
I would recommend you to just stop at the third book so that the last memory of the series would be about Maxon and America's heartwarming love story. But if you really REALLY want to read this one, just be prepared first (for a sniper with a complaining bullet from all over the place).